Whether it's because of citizens living in poverty, homelessness, the political environment, racial disparities, sexism, human trafficking, climate change, crime, terrorism...whatever your reasons, our reasons, many of us our feeling restless.
Part of why I am feeling restless is due to the continuous barrage of negative news. It's exhausting, overwhelming and hard to witness the news reports, endless social media posts, and related verbal commentary. There is a fine line between fueling the fire with anger, having your voice be heard and creating an onslaught of repeated negativity.
As positive psychology researcher and author Michelle Gielan says, "We can focus on the problem, but it is equally important to move the brain onto discussion of what we can do about it. Getting the brain to see that there is another path forward and that your behavior matters in the face of challenges is the key to unlocking better health and happiness. The more you seek out inspiration and solutions, the more you fuel your success and that of the people around you."
I think we need more action and less reaction. As author Dottie Fuller recently wrote, "It is time to educate ourselves. It is time to get re-involved. It is time to make our voices heard proactively the right way, starting where we are. It is not the time to share articles that trigger us with the bait and switch headlines or un-researched, smart-ass memes that create more division." It's time to take action. Action instead of reaction.
What action might look like for you is something that is personal and for you to decide. It depends on what you are passionate about and where your skills and interests lie. Whatever it is that breaks your heart, that keeps you up at night. As Margaret Mead stated, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."