I haven't been doing a great job at times with acting on what I know, and at times I've done a really poor job. In particular when it comes to managing my energy when I'm being triggered. I needed some reminders and decided to share them in this week's post because we all can use reminders from time to time.
An important part of my energy practice includes bookending my day with intention. For me ideally this includes a gratitude practice, prayer, meditation, Reiki and gentle stretching. For others it may also include journaling, yoga, reading, envisioning, etc.
Another key to my energy practice is using tools to help shift my energy when needed. Do you know how to and practice shifting your energy? There are many ways to shift energy, having options in my toolbox has been important for me to living an intentional life.
Gratitude is one of my key energy shifter tools. I practice gratitude as part of my morning and bedtime routine, but also mindfully throughout the day. I love how my view on life, the lens through which I see the world, has shifted since bookending my day with gratitude. It's also really helpful way for me to keep my energy in alignment with my intention throughout the day.
Another energy shifter tool that I frequently use is putting my hand over my heart and focusing on filling my heart space up with love and gratitude. I then take that energy and intentionally push it out into the universe by inhaling deeply and on the exhale envisioning sending out that feeling of love and gratitude into the world. When I'm experiencing challenging emotions this is one of my go to tools.
I also love using the STOP technique as an energy shifter. S...stop, T...take 3 deep breaths, O...observe how you feel and your environment, P...practice gratitude. Even just the practice of taking deep breaths helps to shift our energy and affords us the opportunity to respond in a mindful way.
Everything is energy, we are made of energy and all energy is entangled, It may look like my body has an end and your body has a beginning and that we are separate, but we really are not. My cells and energy and the energy field around me co-mingles with your energy and your energy field. There is really no place where I end and you begin.
The conscious mind is all energy. Thoughts are energy, they can actually be energetically measured. The invisible force of energy is more powerful at shaping the physical realm than the physical realm itself. Consciousness is the shaper of the universe in which we live, thought is what shapes the world. Scientists are finding that energy is more important at shaping your biology than chemistry is, that has amazing implications to our overall health and well-being.
I invite you to practice being intentional about your energy and using shifters to stay in alignment throughout your day. By staying heart-centered and outwardly expressing love, kindness and gratitude you are shifting energy and positively shaping the world.