Here are my top 3 tips on how we can empower others to thrive and create their best life.
1. Attitudes are Contagious
One of the biggest things you can do to empower others is to have the right attitude. Being mindful of how you show up and how you respond and react is extremely important. The most empowering people are mindful of their attitude and their moods. They are emotionally intelligent and lead with self-awareness and self-control.
Our belief system is vital as you believe in the greatness of the other person? What are the expectations that you carry around in your head about them? Is it positive and empowering, or is it an expectation of disappointment? Keeping our expectations and our belief systems in check is necessary to truly being able to empower others, they become a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is true for our children, co-workers and others in our life.
2. Greatest Need
The greatest need we each have is for love and acceptance, to belong, for self-esteem...a sense of being important, valuable and worthwhile. Without this, fear takes over and paralyzes our potential. Our interactions with others can either boost or diminish self-esteem.
As Dale Carnegie said, "Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement." We tend to focus on other's weaknesses and things that they aren't doing well. We each have the magical power of simply providing encouragement. When we encourage others to use their strengths in a new way each day, happiness is increased, and happiness and success go hand-in-hand. Sharing with people what their strengths are goes a long way toward building them up and allowing them to shine. Become a radical encourager by helping others to focus on their strengths.
3. Appreciation
Most people typically feel unappreciated and under-valued. Handing out lots of praise and appreciation is a great empowering strategy. Boosting people up, valuing them, giving them a shout out, praising them about a strength they posses and how they are using it. This quick habit is a powerful way to inspire happiness and a deep sense of confidence.
According to relationship researcher John Gottman, the optimal ratio within intimate relationships is 5 to 1. This means that for every one negative feeling or interaction between partners, there must be five positive feelings or interactions.
Within teams or groups of people working together, we have a ratio of 3 to 1. This is the minimum ratio of positive to negative interactions necessary to make a team successful. This means it takes about three positive comments, experiences, or expressions to fend off the effects of just one negative. Dip below this tipping point, known as the Losada Line, and performance quickly suffers. Rise above it...Ideally, the research shows to a ratio of 6 to 1 and teams produce their very best work. This is how important praise and appreciation are within relationships.
Our interactions with others can either help them to feel empowered or disempowered. When people feel empowered they believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their highest potential and lead the lives of their dreams.