Personal statements like these serve as great reminders to keep us on path, to keep us centered and focused on what matters. As we enter into a new year, I invite you to take a moment to consider whether having a personal faith statement would serve you. If the answer is yes, consider using Gabby's technique as a guide.
There are many approaches to creating your own personal faith statement. Most that I've seen include references to God, Jesus, the Bible, etc. The process that Gabby leads you through in her post is quite different. I found her method to be a useful tool and wanted to share it with you. This can serve as a nice reference to creating or reviewing your own faith statement. You can modify it and include other items that are personally important to you and your faith.
Here is an excerpt from Gabby's blog post on creating a faith statement.
In my new book I have an exercise where we create a faith statement. I believe that creating a faith statement is imperative to trusting that we’re being guided. This statement is about what our spiritual relationship means to us on a gut level.
The practice of creating a faith statement goes like this. If we want to co-create with the Universe, we need a great amount of faith in our connection to it. So the exercise begins with a question:
What would your life be like if you knew you were being guided?
Take a moment to write down the answer. There is no right or wrong answer — write down whatever comes to mind.
Next, answer this question: What would you do differently if you knew the Universe had your back?
Then answer this: Do you have spiritual proof that the Universe is in fact guiding you?
If nothing springs to mind, that’s totally fine! (If you’re new to this whole co-creating thing, you likely have never even thought to pay attention.) Even if it’s not directly related to you today, you can lean on the guidance other people have received and strengthen your faith.
Feel the faithful energy that the story, whatever one you thought about/wrote down, ignites. Take a few moments to tap into the feeling of that faith. Then answer: How does it feel to be in faith? What does faith give you the freedom to do and be? Get honest! Don’t hold back. Let it flow.
Now you’re ready to create your faith statement. We want to make a faith statement that ignites love and joy and enthusiasm and excitement when we read it.
Here is Gabby's faith statement:
I know that the Universe is an ever-present energy field of love. I know that when I align with the energy of love through thoughts, actions and beliefs, I am given infinite support and guidance. I know that I can co-create my reality with this loving presence so that I can live in joy and spread light.
Now you are ready to revisit all the answers that you wrote down and free-write your faith statement. Start with “I know” or “I believe.” Let it move through you. Trust it. Don’t edit a word.
When you’re done writing, read what you’ve written. Take out the 3 or 4 sentences that move you to tears — that is your faith statement.
In addition to Gabby's suggestions, consider pondering the following additional questions:
-What does faith mean to me?
-What does having faith feel like?
-What is it that you have faith in?
I believe that everything is more powerful when it starts with faith. The door is opened for the best things to occur when you let go of your fears and hesitations and just move forward with faith. This can be challenging to do. Faith takes practice, it's like a muscle that you can strengthen through practice.
Faith is about trusting the journey. Believing that there's a plan. Within this plan there are lessons and choices. Faith is about being in a place of yes. Trusting your instincts and sense of knowing that what you believe will unfold. Faith is about letting go, surrendering control and fear and living in a place of trust.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. If you have faith then you have hope, if you have hope, then you have love.
One of my favorite verses from the Bible is Matthew 17:20, He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."