Research indicates that when 1% of a population regularly practices meditation (in particular Transcendental Meditation) it produces measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population. The collective consciousness is impacted. Crime rates in an area where 1% of a population regularly meditates has been found to significantly decrease. This phenomenon has been termed the Maharishi Effect after Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, or simply called the spill-over effect.
The Maharishi Effect says that when a certain number of people meditate together the coherence created in the energy field of the group is able to affect the collective consciousness of others in a constructive manner - at a local, national and worldwide level. If just 1% of a population's community practices meditation, the unified field or calming energy generated by that group would reach out and influence the rest of that community's population resulting in increased peace, harmony and happiness.
According to Maharishi, when people meditate together with unified good intentions, their alpha brain waves become synchronized or exhibit "coherence." The coherence of the brain waves causes others to receive the same properties in their subconscious mind.
Meditation not only positively impacts the person meditating, but its spill-over effect has a positive effect on the community as a whole. It's super cool to think that by meditating I can have a positive impact on not only myself and my immediate family, but also on the community in which I live. There are some awesome studies that demonstrate this amazing findings. In fact, over 600 studies have demonstrated this effect.
I invite and encourage you to be part of the 1%. I invite you to begin a meditation practice, if you don't already have one, and to begin practicing in group meditation. The time is now, it is needed in your community and the world now.
Every Tuesday from 6-7 pm group mediation is offered through Phitness Plus at the Badger Rock Neighborhood Center. It is a drop-in class. Through this powerful meditation group, you will discover a new way of thinking and living, a transformation that enriches your life and the lives of those around you. Information is located under both the "Upcoming Events" and the "Meditation" tabs on my website.
I also invite you to participate in a beautiful group meditation called The Circle of Sacred Activism that will begin on March 27th from 7:00-8:15 pm. It's being hosted by Perennial - Yoga, Wisdom, Community at their beautiful facility at 5500 East Cheryl Pkwy., Fitchburg, WI. The intention of the meditation circle is to bring together women and men who are ready to ignite, nurture and transmit their healing energy towards themselves and into a world that desperately needs it. Please join us and be part of the 1%!