Each week I listen to Marianne Williamson's livestream lecture on A Course in Miracles. I find the teachings to be fascinating. In A Course in Miracles, it says, "Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle." Love is the space that miracles originate from. Which for me then means that the real miracle is God, since God is love.
According to A Course in Miracles, "Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer love is received, and through miracles love is expressed." Hmmm that's good stuff.
This past weekend a friend had a baby. As I was holding the baby in my arms I couldn't help but think how the birth of a baby is such a miracle. Every time, no matter how many I am blessed to witness, the birth of a baby brings forth the wonder that it is such a miracle, such a blessing, such a gift. You too are a miracle, I am a miracle, we are all miracles, all children of God and expressions of love. God's miraculous love.
Feel it, take a moment to soak it in, to bask in its glow. You are loved beyond measure. You are a child of God's miraculous love. Absorb it and at the same time reflect it off of you and out into the world. Always remember that we are all children of God. We are all one. Even when someone is frustrating you, annoying you, or disappointing you. Exercise empathy, be compassionate, be forgiving, be LOVE.
How are you doing with your 30 acts of love challenge? I have been enjoying being intentional about adding acts of love to my days. What I've discovered is that I do many acts of love each day, but this challenge has helped me to focus on extending myself outside of my normal box. It's caused me to do acts of love that I wasn't taking the time to do previously just by looking intentionally for the opportunity.
My big act of love that I started yesterday is an act of self-love. I have been doing a 3 day juice cleanse as an act of love for myself. Cleansing my liver, my digestive system, detoxing my body, cutting my cravings for sugar and processed food, and cleansing my cells with loads of jam-packed nutrition.
Yesterday was rough, I missed chewing food and felt like I was drinking an entire lake of liquid. The juices are amazing, they taste great and I normally love love love my fresh juices, but I was dreading drinking more today. I reminded myself why I was doing it and read a few articles for inspiration and facts on why it was important. I got right to it this morning and the day has gone by with less temptation and more ease. I am looking forward to day 3 and feel good that I treated myself to an act of love :)
As always, I would love to hear from you. What did you think about this week's post? How are you doing with infusing more love into the world this month? Drop me a comment or send me an email.