We are constantly broadcasting through what we think, what we believe, what we feel, what we say, through our actions, and ultimately through our energy. We are impacting people every moment of every day with our thoughts, beliefs and our energy.
Sometimes it's easy for us to forget that we are broadcasting. Sometimes it's easy for me personally to think that I'm not impacting anyone but myself. I may be willing to sit with the consequences that my energy has on myself and be in denial that I'm impacting other people. Fact of the matter is though, that we are broadcasting that energy out into our home, our workplace, our community, our world, and into the universe.
What have you been broadcasting lately? Is it impacting yourself or people around you in a positive way? Is your message an uplifting positive one? Is it filled with love and hope, or is it filled with fear and hate? Is your message shouting gratitude, empathy, compassion and forgiveness, or is it shouting scarcity, separation, indifference and blame?
Did you know that what you broadcast predicts success? The fields of positive psychology and neuroscience indicate that small shifts in what we broadcast can create big ripple effects on business and educational outcomes.
We are all broadcasters. As employees, parents, spouses, neighbors and friends, we transmit information to the people around us, and the messages we choose to broadcast create success or hold us back.
I believe that it's important that we understand and take ownership over how and what we broadcast. It's not always easy, but I start off each day reminding myself and I continue to remind myself throughout the day. The more our broadcast comes from a place of love and kindness the better the ripple of change.