I believe that now is the time that the world needs each of us to ponder and be able to answer those questions. And beyond being able to answer the questions, to make a commitment to take action, to create a ripple, to help make a change for the better. A ripple to alleviate some suffering in the world. A ripple to bring more light to the darkness.
For some what breaks their heart might be children who are hungry, for others it might be discrimination and race inequality, for some it might be domestic abuse, for others it might be animals or the environment. Whatever it is for you, I invite you to ask the question of yourself and then ask the question of your loved ones. I encourage you to choose one cause that carries deep meaning for you and commit to uniting others whose heart breaks for that same reason. Together take action toward creating ripples of positive change. Even if you don't think you have the time, or the money, or the resources, take a small baby step in the direction of change. Your small step is creating powerful ripples out into the world.
Some people are calling this sacred activism. Sacred activism weaves sacred consciousness, service, passion, love, compassion and peace with action. Our current economic, political, social and spiritual climate is a call to action. Now is the time to act. I've mentioned in previous posts that it's not enough to just be empathetic, it's not enough to just pray...action is needed.
What has been your excuse? I know that I've had my excuses that I've been telling myself for a long time. Excuses that I am no longer letting hold me back in a place of fear. For me, feeling overwhelmed by the suffering is no longer okay, sitting in denial is no longer okay, living in a bubble and pretending that it doesn't go on, or that I can't do anything about it is no longer okay, believing that I am just one person and that I can't make a difference is no longer okay, telling myself that I don't like to get involved in politics, or that I don't have enough time or money is no longer okay. Now is the time to activate. Now is the time to exercise more empathy and compassion and forgiveness. Now is the time to ramp up your practice of gratitude and prayer and mindfulness. And now is also the time to activate.
Find what IN-spires you and focus on that versus focusing on what EX-pires you. We are one, one collective. When one suffers, we all suffer. We have the power to create ripples and be impactful. We are all way more powerful than we realize.
Come to the table and be part of the solution. Through your actions inspire others, giving them the permission they may long for to act on what breaks their heart. Be of service, a vessel and conduit for good. Don't sit on the sidelines while others create the ripple. Jump into life and be empowered. Become a sacred activist.