At that time, I was searching to find who I was, what I was doing in life and working to feel okay with it. Working to feel enough...was I was being who I should be and doing what I should be doing?
It was a selfish phase in my life and a phase where I was looking for approval and confirmation from others, from outside of myself. I wondered if people were proud of me, if they would miss me if I were no longer here. If I made enough of an impact.
Fast forward to today. Now I am searching and seeking for my own approval. I want to be proud of myself. I don't want to let myself down. I don't want to have major regrets in life. I'm working to lead an authentic life where I am being exactly who I am and doing what I am supposed to be doing. I listen to my inner voice, my intuition, my higher self and work to follow its guidance.
I work to be in alignment with my authentic self. To live in a state of integrity where my inner self is the same as my outer self. To take off the masks, the hats and the coats that we often wear to try and be who we think others, or society, wants us to be.
Through all of this I still think about what do I want to stand for? What type of legacy do I want to create? I love the Maya Angelou quote, "Your legacy is every life you've touched." And Oprah said, "Fill everything with love, because every moment you are building your legacy." I think that's a beautiful way to look at what creates a legacy. Every moment, no matter how small it may seem is touching a life and creating a legacy. Every moment creates a ripple, big or small. Something that may seem inconsequential to us, may in fact mean a lot to the person we are interacting with.
Every time we touch someone with an interaction based on love we are creating our legacy. Every time we touch someone with an interaction based on fear we are creating our legacy. Every time we look the other way and ignore touching someone's life, we are creating a legacy. Never underestimate the ripples you are creating.
What about you, do you think about the legacy that you are creating? What do you think creates a legacy? I would love to hear your feedback. Drop me a comment or send me an email!