The statement speaks to our perfect equality, that everyone and everything is perfectly equal. We are all special, and yet no one is more special than anyone else. We are all children of God. All of us are unique, but none more deserving than another. We are all special, yet we are all the same. We are One. We are all special, but not special from each other. We are all equal in the eyes of God and we are all reflections of Divine oneness.
Our ego wants us to believe that some people are more special than others. It likes to determine who is special and who isn't. It works hard to convince us, and others, that we are special. Yet, at the same time, we feel inferior constantly judging and comparing ourselves to others, as well as comparing others to others.
Spiritually, ego means considering oneself to be distinct, or separate from others and from God. It's the opposite of identifying with the Soul, or the God within us, and living our daily life with this consciousness. Our egos are powerful, they can make us believe that everything is about us. Ego is that fear-based voice that shows up and keeps us small and keeps us stuck. Fear is synonymous with ego.
The ego fools us into becoming overly identified with our bodies, our thoughts and emotions. I've often heard the acronym for ego to be Edge God Out. I really like this description of ego.
God's love shines equally onto those who commit the unthinkable just as much as it does onto those who are loving and kind. God's love makes no exceptions or precludes anyone. No one is any more loved than the next, regardless of actions. It's only the ego that would seek and cause us to believe otherwise. As A Course in Miracles states, “God is not partial. All His children have His total Love, and all His gifts are freely given to everyone alike.”
God's love, Devine love, is unconditional love. Some would say that our purpose on earth is to love the way God loves. To recognize our oneness, to love our neighbor as we love ourself. Recognizing that all of us are special and none of us are special.