What reflections do you have about this past year? Did you accomplish what you desired? What positive experiences were in your life? I invite you to make a list of all your accomplishments from the year, both big and small. What did you achieve? Consider putting your list someplace visible, so you can savor them and be reminded of your achievements.
What challenges did you experience? Consider going through each one looking at what effect they’ve had on your life. There might be lessons you learned through these challenges, setbacks, or disappointments. A great way to heal from negative experiences is to learn from them.
I think it's healthy to productively reflect, to productively look back for a bit before setting it aside and moving forward. Not getting stuck in the past, just looking at it to savor the positive and learn from the challenges.
What are you resolving to do in 2016? Have you thought about it yet? Have you envisioned what the year ahead will look like for you? Have you set a few goals for yourself?
How are you feeling about the new year? I know a lot of us have mixed feelings as we are looking out at our world. We want to change, we desire change. How is that change going to happen for you? Are you willing to be the change that you want in the world? Are you willing to do your part to be to create the change in your own life, in order for that to ripple out into the world? To create big bold bright sparkly ripples of positive change?
If you desire the world to be a healthier and happier place, than be healthier yourself, be happy yourself. If you desire the world to be a place of more love and peace, than be more love and peace yourself. If you desire more acceptance, more compassion, more tolerance, more forgiveness, than be more accepting, be more compassionate, be more tolerant, be more forgiving. Ripple them out to the rest of the world. Create big bold bright sparkly ripples!
Grow these qualities in yourself and they will create huge ripples out to the rest of the universe. Create habits within your daily life to support those things that you wish to see not only in your own life, but also in the world. It's time to be the change, to be a change agent. The world is hurting, people are hurting, it is time for each and everyone of us to do our part to be the change. How can you be the change? How can you create big bold bright sparkly ripples in your own life that will ripple out into the world?
What is causing you to be stuck? Stuck in your life? Stuck in your body? Stuck in your mind? Stuck spiritually? Make some movement, make some resolutions, make some change. I invite you to BE the CHANGE you desire to see in the world. This year I want to focus on being the change. This year I want to focus on making big bold bright sparkly positive ripples of change, will you join me? We can do this! We can each make important ripples in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Let's do it!!!
What does 2016 look like for you? What ripples of change are you going to create in your life that will ripple out to the world? I would love to hear your thoughts and your plans!
I will leave you with the insightful words of Wayne Dyer.
You become what you think about. If you think about giving, as God does, the Universe will provide. If you think about things being taken away, then that’s what you’ll attract. If you want to manifest your dreams, you must become a master at monitoring the thoughts and feelings you are aligning yourself with. Your thoughts and feelings become your reality, so become adept at observing the thoughts and feelings you are creating for yourself.
Do not let your imagination be restricted to the current conditions of your life, or what I call “being obsessed with what is.” Keep reminding yourself that everything that you’ve believed has gotten you to precisely the point where you are now. This is a rather persistent theme in my work, so it bears repeating here: if you want to elevate your life and become a manifester, then you have to change what you’ve believed to be true about yourself that has landed you where you are. The sentiments of This is reality, This is just the way things are, There is nothing that I can do to change what is, and the like are pernicious thoughts that will taint and defile your great gift of I am that I am, which is your Divine inheritance from your creator.
The words of all the great spiritual teachers encourage us to see ourselves as unlimited and to know that even the least among us has the divine power of God available at every moment of our lives. I know that you, if you practice studiously, can begin to manifest for yourself virtually anything that you are capable of conceiving in your mind. You must unplug from your conditioning and know in that private space behind your eyes that you can and will take on the challenge of manifesting your destiny. It is my belief that you are never given the power to dream without the equivalent power to manifest that dream and make it your physical reality.