You might be thinking that this a silly thing to do, but the simple practice of giving yourself a high five in the mirror each morning unlocks powerful neuro-associations that create positive chemical, neurological, physiological, psychological, and structural changes in your brain. Ground-breaking science proves why adding a high five in the mirror will change your life for the better.
When we give a high five to someone it's a shared celebration. Holding up your hand with a big smile on your face are two instantly recognizable signs to your brain of genuine pride and encouragement. A high five means you are celebrating with the other person. By giving yourself a high five in the mirror your brain is associating that same genuine pride and encouragement toward your own reflection in the mirror. Your brain is already trained to hold this as a belief system, so you are proving to your brain that you are worthy of this celebration and belief about yourself.
How often do you cheer for yourself? The high 5 habit gives you an opportunity to start off your day by cheering yourself on, setting the intention and trajectory for your day.
As Mel Robbins states in her book, "If you want more celebration, validation, love, acceptance, and optimism, you must practice giving those things to yourself. For real. It starts with YOU. If you don't cheer for yourself and your dreams, who else will? If you can't look yourself in the mirror and see someone worth loving, why would anyone else? And speaking of everyone else: when you learn how to love yourself and support yourself, it helps every relationship in your life. When you can celebrate YOURSELF, it helps you cheer louder for others: your friends, your colleagues, your family, your neighbors, and your partner. That's because your relationship with yourself is the foundation of every relationship you have in life."
By giving yourself a high five each morning, you stop seeing the physical you and start seeing the you within. Seeing your soul and all that your life represents. I invite you to read the book and to start incorporating the high five habit into your morning routine.