I want to follow up on the idea of talking with God in this week's post. The idea of asking and listening. I love the discussion in this week's Super Soul Sunday episode with Michael Bernard Beckwith. He says if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then you need to get out of your own way. He says that you need something that gets you out of your little mind, your little perception and that's where prayer comes in and that's where meditation comes in. That's where you say, "Help. I'm open and I'm available to something new."
Just saying "help" is a prayer. Michael shared this acronym for the word help:
H ello
E ternal
L oving
P resence
Michael's process of prayer was intriguing and I think a useful approach to prayer. Here's my summary of his prayer process.
1. Ask God Empowering Questions
During your prayer ask God an empowering question and then be still, listen and be available. An empowering question includes questions like..."What's trying to emerge in my life?", "What's my gift to share?", "What's my purpose?", "Why am I here on the planet?", What's trying to unfold in my life and in my soul?", "What lesson am I learning?".
Disempowering questions sound like this..."What should I do?", "Why me?", "Who/what is to blame?", What's wrong with me?", "What's wrong with my life?", "Why is this happening to me?", "Why isn't life fair?".
Michael believes that if you ask an empowering question you'll get an answer that will help you to rise above the muck. Answers will come in the form of nudges, intuitive hits, dreams, and other signs and symbols.
2. Listen, Be Still
Take time to be still and to know. Have faith that by being still you will know the next right thing to do. Your intuition will know, your gut will know, it will bubble up to the surface and you will know. Be still, be available, pay attention and have faith and trust that you will know.
3. Be Vibrationally Ready to Receive
Let go of resistance and be in alignment with it by asking "what if" questions and by visualizing.
Start asking "what if" questions. Questions like..."What if all my needs were met, what would I be doing in my life?", "What if everything is really working together for my good?", "What if all of the bad things that happened in my life are leading me to activating some great potential?", "What if God is really on my side?" He says when you start asking "what if" questions, small miracles will start happening in your life.
Begin to see, to visualize, the kind of life that you wish to live. Begin to talk about it, to write about it, to dream about it. Talk about the vision more than you talk about your problems. Give it energy, pay it attention. Talk about the possibility, even if you don't know how to get there. Talk to the vision and then after a while you will be talking from it.
By asking "what if" questions and visualizing you are becoming vibrationally ready to receive it. We are vibrational beings. You are drawing into you all the time the vibration that is most like what you are putting out. You cannot have what you're not willing to become vibrationally. You need to be aligned.
Michael notes that if you come from a place of I want, I want, I want then that will only create more want and it will block you from receiving your blessing.
Michael discussed how pain pushes until the vision pulls, being pulled by a larger vision. Walk in the direction of the potential and the possibility. Taking small right steps in that direction will help pull you out of the suffering, will help release you from being stuck in the muck.
He says, "We are not praying that there aren't any challenges, we are praying that for the challenges that come that they activate latent potential." I love the perspective!
I would love to hear your feedback on this post and this prayer process. For times of deep need, where the challenge is great and we feel stuck in the muck, it's helpful to me to give my prayer some framework, some clear intention that is productive and useful in opening me up to God's message for me. Hope this was helpful to you too!