To some degree gratitude, like forgiveness, like a muscle and the more we exercise the muscle the stronger it gets. The more we practice it for ourself and for others, the more we are able to give. You're probably said how do we get more love in our life, not how do we give more love...hang on let me clarify.
Darren Hardy explains it this way, "I do something that sounds a bit odd, but I send love to someone. The way to get love is to give it, and one thing I want more of is love. I give love by thinking of one person, anyone (it could be a friend, relative, co-worker, or someone I just met in the supermarket—it doesn’t matter), and then I send them love by imagining all that I wish and hope for them. Some would call this a blessing or a prayer; I call it a mental love letter. This process turns my love magnets on every morning. It’s amazing how the world changes around me when I have these magnets on."
I love the practice of sending out a mental love letter. This make us feel good, changes our vibration and our energy, and also energetically goes out into the world and impacts the world around us, and ultimately the intended recipient of the mental love letter
I also love the idea of turning on my love magnets each morning, what a super cool way to start the day! You change and the world around you changes when you have on your love magnets!
Love expands in our life through the power of momentum, taking small steps that build our energy and our momentum. Once we set it in motion, momentum can be an amazing and abundant force, a magnet for more and more and more.
As Deepak Chopra writes, “The more you give, the more you will receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life. In fact, anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given. So if you want joy, give joy to others. If love is what you seek, offer love.” As Deepak suggests, "You can give a small gift to everyone you encounter, whether a smile, a heartfelt compliment, a flower, or a silent blessing. When you do something to make someone happy, you immediately feel more happiness yourself."
The thing is, it’s easier to share love with other people if you’re happy with yourself, if you accept yourself and love yourself first.
A big thing to keep in mind (and this can be a tough one) is that the universe doesn't always give back love from where you gave it. Your gift of love to one person may be returned by a complete stranger. The key is to keep putting it out wherever you see that it's needed and you'll keep getting it back in return.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. I believe that one of the biggest reasons we are here on earth is to love and to be loved. Love has the power to heal. Love is the path to living a life of happiness and of well-being. Love shows up in what we do for others, what we give to others. Love forgives faults and imperfections and allows for differences of opinions. Love is compassion for others. Love is gratitude for others. Love is empathy for others. Love doesn't judge. Love listens and love inspires. Love is who and what we really are.
If you want more love, give more love. As Darren Hardy says, "Don't want what you want. That will only create more want. Instead give what you want, that will ignite the process of creating it. Wanting wanting wanting creates more wanting."
If you want more love, be brave and give more love...become a love magnet!