No matter how you feel at this moment, or what is going on in your life, just pause and take a moment to let those words sink FEEL them. Maybe put your hand over your heart-center and take a nice deep breath in and out and feel the words in your heart.
Remember that we are good, that we are a spirit having a human experience, that we need to be gentle with ourselves and with the other kind, loving, gentle souls that we interact with in this lifetime. We are ALL one. We are ALL here learning.
You, at your core, are deeply good. You don't need to operate from a place of fear. You are bigger than that, your light is brighter than that, you are more powerful than that, you KNOW within you a better way, it's called LOVE.
Don't be quick to quick to listen, to empathize, to be compassionate, to apologize, to forgive, to love.
Don't be quick to be quick to understand, to hear another perspective, to be open to a different way, a different thought, a new direction, to love.
Don't be quick to bully, to manipulate, to control, to quick to collaborate, to compromise, to respect, to partner, to love.
You don't need to be those things, you are okay, you are safe, you are enough. Take the time to pause, to connect to your higher wisdom. Be gentle with yourself and be gentle with others. You may not know the state of their life and the impact, either positive or negative, that you may have on them.
Create a ripple, but let it be a positive ripple. One that emanates outward and creates more beauty, more love, more empathy, more compassion, more forgiveness along the way. There is enough harshness in this world already, spread more softness. You can never be too soft, too loving. Harshness creates more harshness.
Spread more of who you are into the world this week. Open your heart wide-open and share with the world your incredible spirit. Be gentle with yourself and be gentle with those other incredible spirits whose lives you will touch this week. Your heart, not your mind, is your greatest source of intelligence. Operate from your heart.
Go ahead and shine your big, beautiful, bright light. Be the reflection of God's light and love as you journey through this week.