Nightbirde has been battling cancer for several years and has been told that she has a 2% chance of survival. She has an absolutely angelic voice to go along with her amazing attitude and inspiring song lyrics.
When one of the judges commented that, "nobody would ever know" she was dealing with cancer, Nightbirde replied, "Thank you. It's important that everyone know that I'm so much more than the bad things that happen to me."
The judges also commented on how authentic and heartfelt the song was in sharing her journey. She told the judges something profound, she said, "You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy." Reread that and let it sink in for a moment.
What's happening in your life that is hard and possibly keeping you from deciding to be happy? It's okay to have times where we acknowledge and feel the pain of hardship, but it can be easy to sink into, and get stuck in, those feelings and decide not to be happy because of it.
The chorus of the song states, "it's okay if you're lost, we're all a little lost and it's all right." This is a great mantra to carry with us. We're all a work in progress, we all feel lost at times, but it's okay. We can carry on and move our way through the darkness toward the light and in the process find joy, have faith, hope and a knowing that ultimately we are okay.
The reason Jane changed her stage name to Nightbirde is also inspiring. She indicated that she had the same dream multiple nights in a row where birds were singing outside her bedroom window in the dark. While the first two times were, in fact, dreams, the third time ended up being real. "The birds were singing as if it was morning but there was really no sign of the light yet," she noted. "And I wanted to embody that. Being somebody that could sing through a dark time because I was so full of hope and assurance that there would be a morning."
Her message embodies a lightness, an airy sense of being able to breathe and not hold too tightly onto the hard stuff. It's as though the words just float in the air with a feather like essence. Capturing this lightness and breathing gently through the challenges is something I invite each of us to practice.
If you're interested in watching her audition, here it is