To live with intention can feel scary as it may challenge how we've done things in the past and how we've been conditioned to think and act. To live with intention can improve our happiness and our sense of peace. It can bring meaning, fulfillment and purpose into our lives.
I believe that happiness is not a pursuit, not a destination, but rather an intentional practice. Daily intentional practices are the key to leading a good life, a life of more sustained happiness, inner peace and well-being. We are the creators of our life and our reality is created by our intentions and the intentions of others.
To live with intention means to know who you are and what you value. It's understanding what lights you up and what your dreams are. It's knowing what kind of world you are choosing to create. It's understanding your purpose and the legacy that you are choosing to create.
To live with intention means to recognize that life is a series of choices. Whether we realize it or not every moment of every day we are making choices. You can always make the choice to choose a different path, you don't have to be held prisoner by your past.
To live with intention means starting off each day by setting and affirming your intention. Your intention for the day and your intention for your life. Plan each day with intention.
To live with intention means to pay attention to your inner experience, to be self-aware. To know what triggers you and how to manage your reactions.
To live with intention means to listen to your inner voice, to your intuition, to your internal guidance system. Allowing your intuition to guide and direct you. This will allow you to live life in the flow. Your heart carries the wisdom, it knows the answers. Tune in and listen to it, pay attention to wisdom from within. It's when we betray it that life gets off kilter.
To live with intention requires examining who you are surrounding yourself with and whether they too are living with intention. How they are affecting you and are they helping or hindering you in living the life of your intention? Be around people who support you, lift you up, inspire you and cause you to be the best version of yourself.
To live with intention requires us to stop comparing ourselves to others. It's focusing on and being committed to being the best, most authentic version of yourself. Comparing is a never-ending, losing battle of exaggerated untruths.
Living with intention is an active practice that you get better at the more you practice it. It's living from your truth and authenticity. Living with intention creates a life of flow, purpose, meaning and fulfillment.