A loving practice that I use and share with others is a heart connection meditation. This type of meditation connects us to the energy of Source love and blossoms this loving energy out to the others...connecting us together.
The heart is a portal to our soul, our higher self, to our intuition, and ultimately to God. So often we defer to seeing the world with the eyes of our mind, our intellect, our social conditioning, our ego. It can be a challenge to pause and have the courage to take the 18 inch leap from our head down into our heart. What might the world look like if we saw it with the eyes of our heart versus our head? How would the world shift, change and soften?
Dropping down into our heart opens up the portal to a higher state of consciousness. Inviting our higher self to guide us instead of our ego. Seeing the world through the eyes of our heart we can make decisions based on love, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, peace and joy. These are the igniting force of the heart.
Here's how you can practice a heart space meditation and ignite the loving force of your own heart and shine it out:
- Sit comfortably, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your breathing. Don't attempt to change your breathing just notice it for a series of inhales and exhales.
- Allow your awareness to shift to your heart space. Envision your breath moving in and out from the center of your heart space. Sit with this for a few minutes.
- Bring to mind someone or something that you feel love, care, compassion, gratitude, or appreciation for and allow this feeling to fill up your heart space.
- Repeat the following words 2-3 times each allowing them to blossom the feeling in your heart space...Peace, harmony, laughter, love.
- Take this loving energy that you've blossomed in your heart space and envision pushing or expanding it out to fill the entire room, then the neighborhood, city, country and ultimately the whole universe.
- Sit for a few more minutes basking in and soaking up the beautiful feeling of this energy surrounding you.
I invite you to take time this week to engage in loving practices that serve to remind and connect you to the essence of who you truly are and spread this love out to the rest of the world.