I love magic, it makes me think that all things are possible. It makes me believe in possibilities, in the unseen. It's like a tiny miracle happening right before our very eyes. The thought of sprinkling magic fairy dust all over and having super amazing, magical things happen delights me. Maybe it's because I'm a girl, or maybe I've watched The Wizard of Oz too many times, but I would love to wave a magic wand and create little miracles. On good days, just to make them extra sparkly and on not so good days to help make them better.
I was listening to a video by Darren Hardy a while back and I love what he had to say about how to make magic. It stuck with me and creates a wonderful visual in my head every time I think about it. He said that, "Every time you smile warmly at someone - you make magic. When you show enthusiasm, excitement, compassion, kindness, empathy - you make magic. When you instill hope or your belief in someone or something - you make magic. When you get up after being knocked down - that’s magic. You are a powerful, astonishing magician. You magically change the world around you all day, every day." How fabulous is that? We can make magic every minute of every day! It's a similar concept to that of random acts of kindness and to the law of attraction, but personally I like thinking of sprinkling magic instead.
The other super cool thing about making magic is that it has a ripple effect...magic is contagious. Compassion is contagious, love is contagious, small acts of kindness are contagious, enthusiasm is contagious, forgiveness is contagious, gratitude is contagious, grace is contagious. And you never know how large of a ripple you'll create, or how you may positively impact someone else's day, or life, or the world.
I've mentioned in many of my posts how I believe we are more powerful than we are aware or recognize. I think that the ripple effect, the contagious effect of making magic is one way we are powerful, Darren Hardy is right, we are all astonishing magicians!
As I am in the middle of writing this post, I had to leave to pick my youngest daughter up from dance. When she got in the vehicle she began to share with me in a very excited tone how there was a new girl in her class and how she included her with the group and tried to get to know her and another younger dancer today. She then went on to tell me how much she loves her jazz class and the routine they are learning. She said that some of the girls started out tired, but how she was so enthused and excited that she was just bouncing around and happy. I told her that she had just made tons of magic and that it's contagious :) She liked that thought a lot, I think it's an easy one for kids to grab onto and have fun with, they love magic too.
From now on I'm going to be sprinkling some magic all over the place! You might want to watch out because I'm a pretty powerful magician, who knows what might happen! So, go ahead, create some magic of your own, it's contagious!!!
I would love to hear how you are being a powerful magician, creating magic and making ripples. Please share with me your thoughts on this post or how you are making this world a more magical place.