At this time of year we begin to experience more life force creative energy within our minds and bodies. As the darkness diminishes and the light increases you may feel a building of imaginative and creative energy.
Spring is a time for the planting of seeds, a time of renewal and rebirth. Many will celebrate the rebirth of Christ. The spring flowers begin to surface and bloom, the trees begin budding, the grass turns green, farmers plant their fields, and the robins return.
Some of us mark spring by engaging in spring housecleaning. Decluttering our homes and renewing them for the year. It can be a time for the attitude of "out with the old and in with the new". Spring can also be a great time to declutter our minds, our mental energy and our spiritual energy. An "out with the old and in with the new" mentally, spiritually and energetically ... the planting of a new energetic seed.
It's a great time to check in with ourselves. To reflect on what we want to clear out and let go of, along with what it is that we want to plant. It's a time for transference and manifesting. Now is a time of celebrating the freshness of life and of taking the time to raise our energy to regenerate abundance and manifest our dreams.
A time to remember that what you water, what you give energy to, what you give your attention to ... grows. You reap what you sow.
What is it that you would like to energetically clear out to make space for planting new seeds to grow? What old story are you willing to let go of, so you can energize a new story, a new way of being, a new mindset, a new experience? What are those seeds that you would like to plant this spring?
We are almost a quarter of the way through this year already. What is it that you are setting out to accomplish this year? Are you giving it positive energy, are you shining some light on it, some water and nourishment?
I invite you to take a few moments this week to be still and check in with where you are at. What's going well and what isn't? What would you like to clear out to make room for something different? Take a step off that hamster wheel of life and reflect, reevaluate, renew, reenergize and rejuvenate. Plant those seeds, shine some light on them, give them nourishment and watch them grow.