Last week's post talked about inspiring others, what inspires you? What nourishes your soul? What helps you to stay balanced, to reenergize, to stay calm, to maintain your happiness, what fills you back up? What inspires you?
In the midst of managing a full schedule, we often pass up taking a few moments to nourish our soul, to be inspired, to reconnect to what's important. Yet these things that we trick ourselves into believing that we don't have time to do are the very things that will serve us. They are what will sustain us. They reenergize our mind, renew our body and fill our soul allowing for the creativity and energy to flow. What are these things for you?
The past several weeks the idea of connecting to nature kept coming up. And it came up over and over again this past weekend as I listened to several spiritual teachers. When asked what inspired these spiritual teachers they said nature. While listening as they shared the stories of their spiritual journey, the thing that came up time and time again was going to nature for inspiration, rejuvenation, connection and centering.
Nature is therapy. The stillness, the beauty, the awesomeness of God's creation brings us back to him and to our inner guidance. As spiritual teacher Wayne Dyer said, "Indeed, the wilderness and all its natural sights and sounds is more than therapy; it is a connection, a link to your soul and the eternal creative energy of God."
Spring is the perfect time of year to engage with nature for renewal. I invite you to take a moment amidst the fullness of life to get out there and connect with nature. To breathe in all of God's glorious creation. Through nature, God is able to teach us, speak to us, and provide for us.
So take a few moments amongst the hustle and bustle to take a walk, to meditate under a tree, to smell the spring flowers and the budding trees, to breathe in the oxygen from the trees. Slow down and soak in it. Express gratitude for the sounds and smells of nature. I guarantee you will be more productive, more creative and reenergized!