This is a season for doing deep inner work. A time to understand that love is more than a feeling, love is what you do. What you do for yourself and to the collective whole. We are all being called to go inward. What work is there for you to do?
The fall or autumn equinox is a time of balance between the day and night before the night takes over. This duality between light and dark exists within our human spirituality as well. Just like with nature as it prepares for the winter months, all things must die before they can be born again in the spring.
Spiritual growth requires facing our own inner darkness and overcoming it. Spiritually, the autumn equinox symbolizes inner preparation and work. It's about connecting and harmonizing your soul and spirit in sacred ceremony with nature.
The fall equinox is a time of shedding, a time of letting go, a time of release. Following the cue of nature...just as the leaves are falling from the trees, so too shall we release, let go, and shed things in our lives that no longer serve us. Letting things fall away that are no longer in our highest and best good, that are no longer serving us in our lives.
What are those items for you? What things are no longer serving you? Maybe it's a story you have been telling yourself, maybe it's a habit, maybe it's someone in your life. I invite you to spend some time in reflection contemplating what is working in your life and what isn't. What might need shedding in order to make room for something that better serves you?
I invite you to slow down a little bit, to appreciate moments out in nature before the cold sets in, and to spend time being still in reflection while you watch the season change. Take time to sit back and reflect on the fruits of your own labor. Where were you a year ago today? How far have come over the course of the past year or even since the spring? Now is a good time to see how far you’ve come and to set goals to carry you through the winter months. The intentions you set this fall will stay with you throughout the winter and carry you into the spring.
Traditionally, the autumn equinox is also a time of harvest and for expressing gratitude for its abundance. As you reflect, take time to express gratitude for the fruits of your own labor. For your own accomplishments and growth. Give yourself a pat on the back for all of your strides forward, no matter the size, big and small. Celebrate the abundance.
As you are reflecting and setting your intentions, remind yourself that you are enough. As a matter of fact, you are amazing! Just the way you are right at this very moment in time. You are doing exactly what you are meant to do. Sure, we can all grow and improve and stretch and learn and do more, but this is not the woulda, coulda, shoulda game. You are enough right here and right now. You are perfectly imperfect!