Gabby started out by sharing that this past year she had planned to get pregnant. She described how she mapped out her whole year around the plan of getting pregnant. She had decided when exactly this event would work best into her schedule. In detail she planned out her calendar to accommodate the pregnancy. She turned down work engagements and each month would look out 9 more months and decide what her calendar would look like. She was working hard to control the process. With the passing of each month, she was getting more and more frustrated.
Sound at all familiar to you? Can you think of a time in your life where you were trying to control and force an event into being? Gabby finally came to the realization that she needed to surrender, that she needed to let go of what she thought the plan should be. Here are the 3 steps that she recommended for spiritual surrender.
1. Take your hands off the wheel (ok I just have to say that this reminds me of a Carrie Underwood song :)). In what ways are you trying to control it? Instead ask, how would you use me? How can I be of service? Show me the plan. Stop controlling, let go, take your hands off the wheel.
2. Turn over time. The key to releasing time is to dwell in the moment. To be in the present moment. When we live ahead that's when we get un trouble. Instead ask yourself, what is it that I can do right now to enjoy this moment and make it a miracle? Let go of the agenda, let go of your timeframes, turn over time.
3. Give up the outcome. The secret to prayer is to forget what you want to happen. To celebrate what you have. Allow yourself to celebrate the stillness. Ask for God's plan for you, not your plan for you. Ask for your highest and best good and give up the outcome.
Gabby says, "When you think you've surrendered surrender some more." Sometimes what you think is in your highest and best good, isn't what's truly in your highest and best good. When things don’t seem to go our way, we can let go of our idea of how things should be. Set your intention and then be open to it happening in a different way, a better way.
I love her advice. One thing that I have worked on the past couple of years is asking what is God's plan for me and how can I be of service versus what is my plan and what's in it for me. I now focus on having faith, having trust that what is meant for me will be shown to me. I pay attention to the signs and opportunities that come my way.
What do you think about this advice? Are there areas in your life that could use some spiritual surrender? I would love to hear your thoughts and examples. Drop me a comment or send me a message!
"And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe." Deepak Chopra