Feeling the renewing energy of spring, yesterday I cleaned out two drawers. I’m not just talking about your ordinary size drawer. I am talking double-wide, double-long, double-high drawers full of old art projects, coloring books, crayons, markers, colored pencils and craft supplies all jumbled together in a big hot mess.
Have I mentioned that all of my kids are now over the age of 15? Yes, it was time, besides I need the space to store my own projects now. I was excited to get started and yet the thought of getting started was painful. That first step of diving in, not knowing where to start and with the knowledge that it’s going to get worse before gets better.
I've found that it helps to break it down into small more manageable chunks and then to just get started. The amazing thing that happens is that it’s not quite as painful as I anticipated. Once I get started, a feeling of empowerment spurs me on to doing more and more until the project is not only complete, but I've even taken it a step further than what I had initially planned.
Have you noticed when that same thing has happened for you? It’s the beautiful thing about just taking the first small step and the rest usually unfolds with more ease and you begin to feel energized and renewed.
What is it you want to spring into action right now? Maybe you want to...
Spring into a mindfulness practice
Spring into cleaning
Spring into decluttering
Spring into a new hobby
Spring into exercising
Spring into a new book
Spring into social change
Whatever it might me for you, let the site and sound of the robins serve as an invitation to spring into action. Shake off the winter blues and get into the action. During the winter I would typically hibernate starting at 5 pm, now that we are moving into spring it's lighter out later, the days feel longer and full of energy. It's time to spring into action!