Today, September 11th, marks a tricky day for me, it's a bittersweet day. It's a day where I very much remember the horrific tragedy that we collectively experienced, and it also signifies for me the day that I decided to live my life. The day that I decided to be brave and have the courage to step into my own unique magic. Especially on this day, I remember and honor those that have fallen, as well as my decision to learn from that experience and to live life with more passion, more authenticity, more vulnerability, more fullness, to live whole-hearted.
It's a day to reconfirm the choice to shine brighter, to sprinkle some magic, to throw a little glitter at the mess, to laugh at the craziness, to recognize that life can be tricky and messy, but it can also be beautiful and magical. It's up to us to find our way through it, to not get stuck in the muck, to use our tools.
The Chopra Center recently posted this on Facebook..."Every person has their own magic, bringing something into this world that no one else can. Trust that you are exactly who and where you are supposed to be and life is unfolding as it should. When things get tricky, turn to meditation. It's the best way to reconnect with your magic and align with the power of the universe." Turn to your tools. Meditation, gratitude and faith are amazing shifters and game-changers.
Our faith can be tested when we experience hardships, illness, disappointment and loss. It's at these difficult times that we can either rely on our faith or turn from it. By holding onto our faith, its possible to see hard times as part of the journey and not as a punishment. It's a belief that there's more to life than what's in this physical world.
The door is opened for the best things to occur when you let go of your fears and hesitations and just move forward with faith. I believe that everything is more powerful when it starts with faith and trust. Faith and trust in yourself, in your intuition and in a greater plan.
Faith is about trusting the journey, believing that there's a plan, within this plan there are lessons and choices. Faith is about being in a place of yes. Trusting your intuition and sense of knowing to keep you in the flow of life, not resisting against it. Letting go, surrendering control and fear and living in a place of trust.
Life can be tricky, but stay in your magic. Stay in the flow and allow your faith, heart and intuition to guide you. And always sprinkle a little magic and pixie dust along the way.