In our American culture, we are conditioned to not use it, not to trust it. Instead, we are conditioned to make decisions based on our head and our intellect. Because of this, most of us have become intuitively deaf.
In timеѕ of challenge or decision making, it's easy to get caught up in the need to control, the fear of failure, of not being right, of making a bad decision, or of being judged. Our negative thоughtѕ саn spin оut of соntrоl. The negative mind chatter and thought patterns can be соnvinсing, conniving, аnd сrаftу. Your mind and your ego will trу tо persuade уоu tо pay attention tо it and nоthing еlѕе.
We make lists of pros and cons, analyze things to the nth degree, ask other's opinions and try to feel 100% confident before making decisions. Our ego, our negative thoughts and mind сhаttеr blосkѕ access to оur intuitiоn. It convinces us that it’s more important (аnd ѕаfеr) tо focus оn our fear and wоrriеѕ rather than thе wiѕdоm оf your intuitiоn.
Our intuition is our best navigation system available. Intuition is not just an ability, but a way of life. It’s paying attention to the flow of your inner experience, it’s being aware, it’s having trust and faith. When we pay attention to our intuition it puts us into the flow of the universe allowing us to create our future with more ease.
One easy way to begin to ignite and tap into your intuition is through practicing wonder. Sonia Choquette states in her book, Trust Your Vibes At Work, and Let Them Work for You, "The minute you turn your awareness over to that wonder, your mind steps aside and your intuition becomes activated. Wondering invites invention, adventure, and exploration of things to come. It shifts you out of defense and self-preservation and into creativity and collaboration with your higher self. Often we are too busy trying to figure things out to allow ourselves the opportunity to wonder. Yet wondering taps into our right brain (the creative side) and explores new possibilities and unknown variables, while figuring things out taps into our left brain (the logical side) and draws from past experiences and known variables. Solution arise from within, but we rarely think to look there, being conditioned to seek outwardly from others instead."
The solution to a challenge often lurks just below the surface of your awareness and simply needs to be tapped through exploration. Stretching our imagination muscles like we did when we were a child is a key step. Wonder on paper, wonder out loud, wonder with a trusted friend, have fun and wonder. The creative, intuitive mind is also playful mind.
An exercise I love that helps me to create the new story is to play the "imagine if" or "what if" game. When playing the "imagine if" and "what if" game there are no limitations, no rules, no restrictions, no logic. You get to freely create using your imagination what you would like the story to look like. You can play this game on your own through journaling, drawing or talking out loud. It's a great game to play while driving.
My favorite way to play the "what if" game is with a trusted friend or family member. The synergy that is created by the amplified energy of two or more people engaging their imaginations can bring forth the really juicy stuff!
Ignite and tap into your intuition through wonder, imagination and creative play!