We said our goodbyes to our college kids (thankfully they are both not far away) and the house is more quiet now, just one left. Arriving home last night after the final move, I looked around to the remnants left behind, the strewn empty boxes and miscellaneous articles scattered about. I peeked into their now empty bedrooms, it's hard to believe the summer has past and we are at this juncture. We'll be empty nesters soon and I feel it on the horizon. How did it all go by so fast?
No amount of planning or preparation could adequately prepare for the change, it's something that you just have to work your way through step by step as it occurs. Feeling all the feelings, acknowledging and honoring them as they arise.
Change and transitions, the beginning of a new chapter can be hard. Transitions can feel sad and scary and joyful all at the same time. Feeling the sense of loss and the newness that is beginning. Embracing it all, letting go, surrendering and leaning into the next chapter that life has to offer. Having trust and faith in the journey.
Here are some tips to help move through life's transitions with more ease:
Connect with others...During life's transitions it helps to reach out and bond with others who are going through something similar. Getting connected with others, sharing and feeling supported is an important step to being able to navigate through from the old chapter to the new chapter with more grace and ease.
Fill the void...Some transitions bring with them a void and it's important to fill the void with something nourishing to your soul. This might be in the form of service, finding something you are passionate about and volunteering. It might be through finding a new hobby, new friends, exploring your passions and creative side, getting out in the community and taking in some events. Filling the void with laughter, connection and fun. Laughter is always great medicine.
Exercise wellness...Lean on your personal tools and practices to sustain you through the transition is also key. Prayer, meditation, exercise, healthy eating, gratitude practice, etc. are all helpful to supporting us through life's transitions.
Be present...Take things one step at a time. Don't obsess about and worry over what the future will look like, don't excessively ruminate over the past and what once was, just focus on the present, this moment, here and now. Exercise self-compassion to move through this moment.
Life is a beautiful journey full of many transitions. Embracing the change and flowing with it instead of resisting against it, seeing the beauty within it, will allow for a smoother transition. Sending love, light and blessings to all those moving through a life transition right now.