Sometimes we all get a little anxious. We think, I should be at this stage at this age, or, I should be at this point at this time, etc. We can start to draw comparisons with others, or with ourselves, on how we thought life should play out. We may even start to go into a fear mode of thinking, will I ever get to where I want to be?, and, am I good enough? These thoughts can, if we let them, get the better of us.
I'm sure we've all wished that we could have skipped experiencing certain things in our lives, and have wished that we would have got to other things sooner. What I've come to realize, and trust, is that everything happens for a reason. That there is a divine order to everything. You are who you are today because of the experiences you've had up to this point. The challenge is to not judge yourself and to be okay with, to trust, to have faith in the timing of your life.
Trust the timing of your life doesn't mean to sit idle, it doesn't mean to do nothing, it doesn't mean to concede to fear and be paralyzed. What it does mean is to have faith and believe in the flow.
Everything you have gone through has prepared you for right now. Where you are is exactly where you need to be at this moment in time. Look at each and every experience as a teachable moment. Learn to pay attention to the assignments and show up for them. This is the challenge, to see the lesson, to pay attention to it, and to show up for learning it. Sometimes we get stuck in the lesson. We start to blame ourselves and others for the lesson, the challenge, the obstacle. We judge the experience, and refuse to accept what we are being shown.
Consider the idea that a key reason for having challenges in life, is to show us how our thoughts and feelings create our reality. Consider the idea that challenges are mirrors that reflect to us our feelings about ourselves. Consider the idea that maybe we have played a hand in setting up our challenges. Consider the idea that the challenges are reasons for personal growth and expansion. Maybe to teach us compassion, maybe to teach us forgiveness, maybe to teach us about love or self-love, maybe to teach us patience, or empathy.
Consider offering up gratitude toward those persons and things that have most challenged us, for they are probably the ones who have caused us to expand and grow. When we make the choice to offer gratitude, we remove the blame from our lives. Without blame forgiveness becomes possible, and with forgiveness comes healing.
Listen to your heart and keep your heart open. It's where your intelligence resides, where you knowingness resides. Sometimes challenges close off our heart, work to keep yours open. Listen and know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Listen and learn from the experiences going on in your life right now. What are they telling you? What is the message? What are they reflecting? Pay attention to the assignments and show up for them. Have faith and trust the journey.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this post. Do you trust in the timing of your life? Are you listening to your heart? Are you able to express gratitude for the challenges? Do you agree that everything happens for a reason? Leave me a comment or send me an email.