There can also be a visual element to guided meditation that engages your imagination and takes you on a journey. My sister Kathy and I have recorded two separate guided meditations for you to use which fall into this visual category.
The first is ‘I Am A Being of Love and Light’ and was chosen to assist you in centering with your Divine Source. This is a short meditation that will help you get calm and move into the beauty of your divine self as you become the amazing being of light that you truly are. With practice, you can even quickly do this with your imagination at any time during the day to help calm and center yourself. This is a great meditation especially for those moments where you are struggling to find your light and positivity.
The second is a ‘Heart Connection’ and is designed to help you get centered into your heart space and blossom your divine energy from this part of your body. We then guide you to build a bridge to another person and make a heart-to-heart connection with them. The more you practice growing this energy in your heart, the faster you’ll be able to make a heart connection with anyone (even on the fly). You can do this with a loved one, before entering an important meeting, or prior to having a conversation with someone you don’t know (whether in person or on social media).
We hope you find these two guided meditations useful as another tool to enhance your personal and spiritual growth and development. You can find them on the Braving the Hot Mess YouTube channel. Here are the links:
I Am A Being of Love and Light Meditation
Heart Connection Meditation