I was recently listening to a guided meditation on forgiveness and I really liked the instructor's approach to help guide your heart to a place of forgiveness. The approach is one that I use for many different circumstances and scenarios in life. In the mediation, she suggested that you spend a few moments recalling the situation that's bothering you and then envision that Jesus walks into the room. Notice the difference in how he handles it. What does he say? How does he act? What do I think Jesus would do?
She then suggested that you envision swapping bodies with Jesus. Watch how the scenario unfolds with him in your place. Feel in your heart what emotions, thoughts and feelings he brings to the table. What are they?
Or you could look at it this way… What would my higher self do? I believe that we all have what I call a higher self. This is the part of us that is pure. It is truth, it is goodness, it is love, it is empathy and compassion, it is forgiveness, it is faith, it is grace.
If you were to strip away my human ego, if you were to strip away all of my fear, what would my higher self do? How would my higher self respond and react? Would I choose anger or would I choose forgiveness? Would I choose hatred or would I choose love? Would I choose empathy and compassion or would I stick to my guns thinking that my way is the right way? What would my higher self do? What choices would it make? What would Jesus do if I were to switch places with him? What choices would he make?
I believe that sometimes we forget who we are, where we came from, that we are all one, that we are all children of God. I think that sometimes we let fear get in the way, we let our ego get in the way. We feel we need to protect ourselves or protect our loved ones, but what would happen if we made decisions based on our higher self? What would happen if we acted in the highest and best good of everyone? What if we first practiced empathy and compassion? What if we first brought love to the table? What if we exercised forgiveness and faith? What would our communities look like? What would our world look like?
I believe that as we journey through life part of our job is an unlearning and a remembering. Unlearning fear and ego and remembering our oneness, remembering love.
Next time you are facing a challenge, bring your higher self to the table. Set aside your fears, set aside your ego and connect with your higher self. Take several deep belly breaths and ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?", "What would my higher self do?" Conjure up those feelings to help guide you, to help you to remember who you are and what you are made of.
I would love to hear your feedback on this post. What do you think of the idea of consulting our higher self? What do you think about unlearning fear and ego and remembering? Do you agree that we are all one? Drop me a comment or send me an email.