Author William P. Young says, "The movement toward wholeness is when the way of our being matches the truth of our being." So, you might be wondering...what is the truth of our being? According to William P. Young, "The truth of our being is that which is everything that is true about God."
I personally believe that love, peace, forgiveness, grace, and compassion are true about God. I believe that God is everywhere and is in everything, that God is infinite and eternal, that God is accepting and welcoming, that God is creative and a creator, that God is kind and full of goodness, that God is patient, that God is joy, that God is giving, and that God is the perfect giving being.
If these are the truth of our being, then matching it means being in alignment with these truths. Being in alignment, being in integrity with these truths is wholeness.
I believe that Jesus was a human example of what is true about God. Jesus exercised generous amounts of empathy, compassion, love, peace, unity, forgiveness and patience. He exemplified how we should treat each other and live our lives. This was demonstrated clearly in how Jesus treated social outcasts. Social outcasts during the time of Jesus were prostitutes, people with sickness, lepers, people who didn't believe in the main religion, tax collectors, people that had diseases, and people that were considered unclean.
Throughout his ministry his actions were consistently aimed at the inclusion of people that were outcasts. Jesus included women, children, foreigners, sinners, the "unclean", outcasts, the sick and even outlaws and murderers.
How do we treat social outcasts in our time? This can be a challenge can't it? It challenges me at times. What would Jesus do? The movement toward wholeness is when the way of our being matches the truth of our being.
William P. Young also says that, "The process of transformation is not about becoming something that we weren't. It's about unveiling what we were the whole time. I think we are made in the image of God and we were very good creations before anything got broken, but it all got covered up by all of this crap." There are things to uncover and to unveil. The process of the uncovering is the transformation.
So how do we uncover all of this so called crap and unveil what we were the whole time? It's a matter of exposing the lies. The lie of I am separate from you. The lie of I am not enough. The lies of I am not good, I am not smart, I am not worthy. It's a matter of exposing the shame. Shame for not being perfect, for making mistakes.
The journey of this thing we call life is an unveiling and a learning of lessons that bring us toward our wholeness. It takes self-awareness and a whole lot of practice and more practice. It takes doses of self-compassion, self-forgiveness and self-love. It takes massive amounts of empathy and than even more empathy, and a sprinkle of love, and a dash of compassion blended with some forgiveness, some patience, and a cup of gratitude.