Another great way to work toward achieving a dream is to utilize the tool of visualization. You can’t be what you can’t see. If you can visualize it into being then you can create it into being. You can’t create what you can’t imagine, so imagining it by surrounding yourself with examples of how others have done something similar, and then visualizing what you want to create is powerful.
I believe that it’s important to start each day with a clear idea of what you hope to achieve. If you start it with clearly defined intentions, everything in your conscious, subconscious, and higher mind will focus on supporting them. Where your attention goes, energy flows. What you give attention to you are going to bring to life. Concentrate your attention on the few things that will make a difference.
According to Sonia Choquette, author of the book Trust Your Vibes At Work, and Let Them Work for You, the best way to set your intentions is to develop the art of visualization. Here are five tips for setting your intentions and using visualization from the book.
5 Tips For Setting Intentions
- Wake up a few minutes earlier.
- Before rising, mentally review your schedule for the day ahead.
- Imagine each person or situation that you’ll face, along with the outcome you want to create with each one.
- Visualize every encounter, project, and assignment flowing smoothly.
- Breathing deeply as you see your day, leave room for even greater successes than you can imagine and expect the best.
Get up 15 minutes earlier than usual, and while still in bed, review everything your schedule for the day. Decide what you hope to create and achieve from each task. At the same time, honestly assess your emotional and mental approach to each event. Are you looking forward to it, or are you hesitant and resistant? If you’re feeling negative, what’s causing your discomfort? The more specifically you can preview your day, the more clarity and receptivity you’ll invite in from your intuitive mind throughout the day.
Next, ask yourself these basic questions:
- What do I have scheduled today?
- What do I want to get out of this experience?
- How do I feel about the events I have in place?
Then pay attention to your responses. If you’re uncomfortable about anything, ask yourself about the insecurity, challenge it.
Doing this for a few minutes each morning, before you start your day, will help to activate your intuitive muscles. View these exercises as business meetings with your higher consciousness. As Sonia Choquette says, “Do not underestimate the power of envisioning your day. A few minutes spent imagining wonderful things in the morning can turn an ordinary day into a miracle-making one.”